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Green House

Creating the concept of a plant sales website for a course


Alura Online Courses





Landing page concept developed for the Alura Online Courses course.

In this course, students were encouraged to design a layout for a plant sales landing page. To achieve this, a platform was designed that incorporated teachings on grid systems, responsiveness, color theory, element overlay, and other principles.

Furthermore, this same site concept was subsequently used for a course on portfolio creation.

Full page layout

A design was conceived to allow for the exploration of multiple approaches to teaching landing page development.

Internal Screens

Also, it was developed some internal screens for the website. The product details page, checkout and checkout success.

Layout for portfolio

This same concept was applied to create another course focused on portfolio development.

In this course, students were encouraged to utilize a website they had previously designed to construct a narrative that aligned with their portfolio. Below, we can observe how the layout and narrative were integrated.

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